Breakfast and Tea at The Brook
We are so excited to provide this crucial service to parents who need that wrap around cover. Parents are able to set up online booking through our Arbor parent app to book places at The Brook (Breakfast at the Brook/Tea at the Brook)
From 3rd September booking will be open to book for the whole term. You will be able to book for the same day or the whole term if needed.
Breakfast Club: 07:30 to school start. Breakfast Club Staff: Mrs Lewis, Mrs Wren, Mrs Witt.
After School Club: 15:15 - 17:45. After School Club Staff: Miss Wareham, Mrs Long, Mrs Verrall, Mrs Lewis and Miss Churcher.
Breakfast Club: £5.80 per session. (Breakfast Included in daily charge)
After School Club: Regular: £12.50 (Snack included in the price)
Breakfast Club - Short Session (8.15am - 8.45am only) £3.00 per session (NO breakfast provided)
After School Club - Short Session (3.15pm - 3.45pm) £5.00 per session (NO snack provided)
Check attached letter for information on the service provided, how to book online and pay for your child to attend as well our menu choice.
Our breakfast and after-school club is located in the stand-alone building on the KS2 playground. Please use the gates to the KS2 playground at the left-hand side of the school to enter the school site in the mornings.
Please note, when you arrive to collect your child at the end of the day, you will need to call the contact details shown on the main office door. Your child will then be brought over to the main office by a member of staff.
Any child that is not collected by 3.40pm will be taken to After School Club and parents will be charged a short session fee up to 3.45pm. If the child is not collected by 3.45pm parents will be charged the full cost of the After-School Club session.
Childcare vouchers or online payments are accepted. Please book through the Parent Arbor app. If you are using vouchers, please fill in this form. We will then need to update the Arbor Parent App settings to allow your account to go into a deficit. You will then need to pay for your sessions through your tax-free childcare account rather than the Arbor App to benefit from the government tax-free funding. This could save you up to £500 every 3 months if you are eligible.
If you are not using the government tax-free childcare scheme, please contact us as we will need to ensure we are setup with your provider, and we may need to provide you with a unique reference number to facilitate payment.